english below

Dal 1997 al 2007 lavora come attore presso il Silenceteatro (Bergamo), il Tetroduemondi (Faenza), la Cie Couleurs Mécaniques (Montpellier- Francia) e i Mr.Pejo Wandering Dolls (San Pietroburgo –Russia).

Si dedica in seguito a sviluppare una ricerca personale incontrando maestri del ritmo e della danza egiziana contemporanea e frequentando diversi workshops professionali di teatro in Europa.

Fonda nel 2009 AteliercuncheoN researchtheatre con il quale conduce e presenta produzioni e progetti culturali a livello internazionale.

È laureato in Scienze politiche con una tesi in sociologia generale dal titolo “Poetiche corporee fra sociologia e pratica” e in Scienze dell’Educazione con una tesi in Educazione comparata dal titolo”Educare alla semplicità”.


In 2004 he graduated in Political Science with a thesis in General Sociology entitled "Body Poetics between Sociology and Practice", at the University of Milan, IT.

In 2010 he graduated in Educational Sciences with a thesis in Compared Education titled "Educate to Simplicity", at the University of Bergamo, IT.

From 1997 to 2007 he worked as an actor at the Silenceteatro (Bergamo, IT), Tetroduemondi (Faenza, IT), Cie Couleurs Mécaniques (Montpellier, FR) and Mr.Pejo Wandering Dolls (St. Petersburg, RU).

From 2007 to 2009 he developed his personal theater research by meeting masters of contemporary Egyptian rhythms and dance and attending various professional theater workshops in Europe.

In 2009 he founded the AteliercuncheoN researchtheatre, where he authored and directed several original theater plays as well as cultural projects and workshops, which were presented internationally.
